With the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors hardest hit by the effects of coronavirus, Totally Stockport is getting behind the #RaiseTheBar campaign to press government to provide greater support to these businesses.
The campaign, started by Croydon BID, already has the support of national organisations such as the Night Time Industries Association, British Beer & Pub Association, Music Venue Trust and Association of Convenience Stores, as well the BID Foundation and Greater London Authority, who have signed a letter to Business Secretary Alok Sharma, urging him to do more.
The retail, hospitality and leisure sectors together achieved £635 billion in sales in 2019, yet #RaiseTheBar estimate as many as 80% of businesses could be excluded from current schemes to support the sector. That’s why Totally Stockport is backing the #RaiseTheBar campaign to expand the support measures available to retailers, pubs, bars, restaurants and other leisure businesses which they believe have been vital to bringing life into Stockport town centre.
The campaign’s main aim is to see the Retail, Hospitality and Leisure Grant (RHLG) extended to allow businesses with a rateable value of up to and including £150,000 to access the £25,000 grant. In addition, #RaiseTheBar also asks that the government waive the State Aid threshold over the next two years, which will support multi-site businesses who may exceed the threshold through the grant scheme.
Totally Stockport are asking Stockport residents to get behind the campaign and help ensure the shops, bars, restaurants and places you love will be waiting when we can enjoy them again safely. To support the campaign, sign the petition to press government to #RaiseTheBar to support the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors.