Tandem Investments, landlords of newly evolved Stockport town centre office space, STOK, have launched a new offer in June in aid of the Rob Burrow Charity.
For each new tenant that moves into the building in June, the STOK team will donate one month’s rent to the appeal in memory of the Rugby League player who passed away in 2nd June after being diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) four and half years ago.
Rob Burrow spent his entire professional career with the Leeds Rhinos and made over 450 appearances. Rob Burrow was sadly diagnosed with the disease in 2019, at the age of 37, from his diagnosis he fiercely campaigned, to raise awareness for MND along with his friend and former teammate Kevin Sinfield.
Chloe Ellerby (pictured), Project Director at STOK, commented
“The Rob Burrow story has touched the hearts of the nation and the charity aims to provide the best level of care and support for those diagnosed with this devastating disease and also offer support to their families.”
STOK is an ultra-modern, ultra-flexible office space development that’s part of the game-changing transformation of Stockport. The ground and first floors of this iconic former M&S building have been remodelled to create prestigious office spaces ranging from 2 persons upwards.