Stockport engineering firm, MAN Energy Solutions has submitted an outline planning application for a proposed housing scheme on part of Mirlees Fields in Hazel Grove.
Following a consultation last year, the engineering firm has already agreed plans for the transfer of ownership of much of Mirlees Fields to the Land Trust charity in order to preserve the area as publicly accessible green space. MAN Energy Solutions is now seeking outline planning approval for a residential development on the remaining 11 acres of the site.
Proposals would deliver up to 200 new homes on the site, including affordable housing provision, associated landscaping and infrastructure, and also enable the provision of 43 acres of Mirlees Fields as a public open space in perpetuity.
MAN Energy Solution intend to sell on the land to a developer once outline planning approval has been granted, with proceeds to be reinvested into the business. The firm has also committed to a £1.27 million endowment payment to support the maintenance of Mirlees Fields as a public green space.
MAN Energy Solutions ran a digitally-led consultation on its proposals for Mirlees Fields in autumn 2020 and have amended their original plans for the site in light of public feedback. The total area earmarked for housing as part of the scheme has been reduced, and development of the country park will now ensure a ‘light touch’ approach to landscaping and ecological management.
Avison Young are planning consultants on the development, alongside architects 5plus Architects and Barnes Walker, and transport planners, Curtins.