Stockport Council are urging local community groups to take up the offer of financial support from Forever Manchester and the National Lottery Community Fund to support their response to the impact of COVID-19. These unprecedented times are having an impact on voluntary and social sector … [Read more...]
News for: Coronavirus Financial
Over £50 million paid to Stockport businesses in Coronavirus grants
Stockport Council has supported more than 4,300 businesses during the coronavirus crisis with payments exceeding £50 million through the Small Business Grant Funding scheme. Launched on April 2nd, 529 payment applications were processed in the first 24 hours with grants totalling nearly £8.5m … [Read more...]
New 100% government backed Bounce Back Loans – applications open today
Launching today, small businesses can benefit from a new fast-track finance scheme providing Bounce Back Loans with a 100% government-backed guarantee for lenders. The first 12 months of the loan will be both interest free and no repayments. Businesses will be able to borrow between £2,000 and … [Read more...]
Government launch of Top-up to local business grant funds scheme
A top-up fund has been set up to accommodate certain small businesses previously outside the scope of the local business grant funds scheme. The £617 million fund is aimed at small businesses with ongoing fixed property-related costs outside of the business grant scheme. Local authorities … [Read more...]
Expert Opinion: Changed your business for Covid-19? Make sure you are covered!
Stockport based C&C Insurance Brokers have seen many of their clients within the life science industry finding new ways to use their expertise and facilities in order to help with the current Covid-19 crisis; including producing hand sanitiser or PPE. As we are experiencing such uncertain and … [Read more...]
AIB joins list of Business Interruption Loan approved lenders
Allied Irish Bank (AIB) has announced it has now been approved for accreditation by the British Business Bank as a lender for the government backed Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS). The bank has already been able to support over 600 business customers with extra support prior … [Read more...]
Manchester Metrolink benefits from government light rail support
The government has announced it will provide funding for urban light rail networks across the UK, including Greater Manchester's Metrolink, in order to continue providing transport for key workers. The support package will ensure the network can continue operating, and will secure its future and … [Read more...]
Totally Stockport #RaiseTheBar
With the retail, leisure and hospitality sectors hardest hit by the effects of coronavirus, Totally Stockport is getting behind the #RaiseTheBar campaign to press government to provide greater support to these businesses. The campaign, started by Croydon BID, already has the support of national … [Read more...]
£1.25 billion support package announced for innovating businesses
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced a coronavirus support package for UK businesses driving innovation. The support packages include a £500 million loan scheme for high-growth firms, called the Future Fund, and £750 million of targeted support for SMEs investing in innovation, research and … [Read more...]
Adult education, skills and employment programmes approved during coronavirus
Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has confirmed the funding for adult education, skills and employment programmes during the coronavirus outbreak. The £200 million funding for the city-region's local authorities, colleges, training providers and employment support organisations, … [Read more...]
Historic England Covid-19 emergency response fund
An Historic England Covid-19 emergency response fund has been launched to help tackle the impact of Coronavirus on the heritage sector The aim of the fund, which will be up to £2m, is to extend the safety net as far as possible for the sector by helping small heritage organisations both to … [Read more...]
5 tips to avoid Covid-19 pension scams
Fraudsters and scammers are taking advantage of the current Covid-19 pandemic, and pension scams soared by 400% in the last month. Dr Anna Tilba, from Durham Business School, has outlined five ways to avoid being the victim of financial scams. Coronavirus is creating favourable conditions for … [Read more...]