Stockport’s Town Team is a step nearer to launching a website that will help to promote Stockport’s town centre, attract more visitors and support the town centre traders.
The requirements outlined included how a website can promote ‘brand Stockport’ by making visitors aware of why Stockport is such an interesting place to visit. Applicants were also asked to demonstrate their intention to include and exploit the town centre’s assets and offers, including its heritage, events, promotions and attractions.
Following submissions by companies who were interested in producing the website, four companies were shortlisted and invited to present their ideas to the Town Team yesterday evening (Thursday) at Fred Perry House in Stockport.
It is hoped that the new website will be launched in April.
In May of last year Stockport was one of 12 UK pilot towns awarded funding of £100,000 and selected to trial proposals put forward in the Mary Portas review of high streets.
The grant, which has been match funded by Stockport Council, will help Stockport inject new life into the historic Market place and Underbank retail areas of the town and promote Stockport as destination for shoppers and visitors.