Stockport Homes has secured funding for a tree planting scheme alongside other Greater Manchester housing providers as part of the government’s Urban Tree Challenge initiative.
Stockport Homes plans to plant 155 trees at 11 locations around their communities in the next 8 weeks as part of City of Trees movement.
The tree planting project is supported by the Urban Tree Challenge Fund, a £10 million government pot for planting large and small trees in England’s towns and cities. The money is being delivered by the Forestry Commission as part of their work expanding tree cover and woodland areas across England.
The City of Trees movement aims to restore underused woodland in Greater Manchester and has the ambition of planting a tree for every person in the city-region within a generation. The project has been coordinating the efforts to secure some of the Urban Tree Challenge Fund for Greater Manchester, working with housing providers and the city-regions ten boroughs.
Stockport Homes will contribute to over 2,500 trees being planted across Greater Manchester, including small saplings and over 1,900 large, high impact trees.
Jenny Osbourne, Chair of the Stockport Homes Board, said:
[The Urban Tree Challenge Fund] is a fantastic initiative to be involved in, planting these trees will help to make our communities greener and more enjoyable to live in.”