A temporary car park is now open at Stockport’s Grand Central leisure complex, as part of preparations for a new office quarter.
The first phase of development – the construction of a multi-storey car park opposite the station – is due to start on site early next year. The temporary car park is located on the former site of Tenpin bowling and will accommodate commuters and visitors to the existing leisure complex during the construction of the multi-storey car park.
Stockport Council bought the station-side site – known as Grand Central – last year to bring forward a high specification office-led development, including a hotel and improved car parking, as well as an attractive new gateway to the town centre. National development and regeneration specialist Muse Developments were appointed by the Council as development partner to deliver the project.
Councillor Iain Roberts, Executive Member for Economic Development and Regeneration at Stockport Council, said: “The development of Stockport’s exciting new office quarter and commuter destination is picking up pace. Over the next 12 months we’re going to see significant developments, with work starting on site for the multi-storey car park in early 2013.
“It’s great news for the town centre and for Stockport – a new office quarter will bring more jobs, workers and footfall. And the ultimate result will be a fantastic public space that welcomes people from the train station and leads them straight to our town centre.
“This development is a really good example of partnership working and I’d like to thank all local businesses, residents and visitors for their support during the construction of this important project.”
Wes Erlam, Senior Development Surveyor for Muse, added: “Completion of the temporary car park will ensure construction of the new multi-storey car park can commence early in the new year. The multi-storey represents the first significant step in the comprehensive transformation of Grand Central and will deliver much improved facilities for residents and visitors to Stockport.”
Phase One consists of a new 1,000 space multi-storey car park and a range of highway improvements, due to be completed at the beginning of 2014. The new car park will meet increasing demand for parking next to the railway station and encourage more people to travel by train.
Phase Two has been masterplanned for the first commercial office building, new public space, a hotel and highway improvements by 2015.
Phase Three will include further office buildings, extension of the open space and further improved accessibility for pedestrians on a phased basis up to 2020.
A detailed financial model has been developed by the Council to ensure the scheme would be self-financing through ‘prudential borrowing’. The Prudential Capital System is a loan system which can be used by local authorities for capital investment in fixed assets.
It is business as usual for the rest of Grand Central leisure complex including:
Army Careers
Davies & Co
East Orient
First Step Finance
Life Leisure Grand Central Pools