Stockport Business Rates Related Schemes:
Omicron Hospitality and Leisure grant:
- The Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant is a one-off grant to support businesses that offer in-person services in a fixed rate-paying premises.
- Businesses that were trading on 30 December 2021 may be eligible to apply for the grant.
- Businesses that offer more than one service may only be eligible if 50% or more of their overall income comes from hospitality, leisure or accommodation.
How much will businesses receive?
Businesses that have a rateable value:
- of £15,000 or less on 30 December 2021 will receive a payment of £2,667
- between £15,001 and £50,999 on 30 December 2021 will receive a payment of £4,000
- of £51,000 or more on 30 December 2021 will receive a payment of £6,000
What are the Tax implications?
- Grant income received by a business is taxable. The Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant will need to be included as income in the tax return of the business.
- Only businesses that make an overall profit once the grant income is included will be subject to tax.
- Payments made to businesses before 5 April 2022 will fall into the 2021/22 tax year. Unincorporated businesses will be taxed when they receive the grant income.
Business Grant Subsidy Allowance:
- Businesses will be subject to the financial limits set out in the Business Grant Subsidy Allowance.
- Businesses will be entitled to receive a grant for each eligible premises.
Applications are now open. Visit Stockport Council website for full information and application – Omicron Hospitality and Leisure grant – Stockport Council
NOTE: The closing date for applications is at midnight on 18 February 2022. We will not accept any applications after this date.
COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF):
The fund will be available to support those businesses affected by the pandemic but that are ineligible for existing support linked to business rates.
The Stockport scheme is currently being developed.
Further details will be on the Council website when available – check this link regularly for updates – Financial support for businesses and employers – Stockport Council
Additional Restrictions Grant:
ARG is a Discretionary Grant Scheme that has been operating over a series of funding allocations from Government.
Round 2 Top Up:
The latest scheme with round 2 top up funding opened in November 2021. Information and application is on Stockport Council web page at this link – https://www.stockport.gov.uk/additional-restrictions-grant
Round 3 Top Up:
Round 3 top up funding allocation has now been received and must be used by 31/03/22. Most businesses are eligible to apply if still experiencing negative impact from Covid pandemic.
Applying for an ARG:
- Businesses can apply for a grant from both top up 2 and 3 allocations but separate need to be submitted from businesses for each round of funding (Government requirement).
- If businesses have applied for ARG before 21/12/21, then they can submit a further application now.
- If businesses applied after 21/12/21 then no need to do anything further – if not applied at all yet then apply ASAP.
- Applications will be processed on first come first served basis until funds are exhausted so applying does not guarantee success in getting a grant if funds have been exhausted at that time
Aldi gives £1.6bn boosts to British Suppliers since start of pandemic
Aldi has invested an extra £1.6bn with British suppliers since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The figure includes £125m more spent with British meat, poultry and dairy farmers, as the supermarket sourced 100 per cent of its core range of fresh meat, eggs, butter, milk and cream from British suppliers. Aldi has also reaffirmed its commitment to prioritise home-grown suppliers as it works towards its target to spend an additional £3.5bn a year with British businesses by the end of 2025.
Morrisons cuts sick pay for unvaccinated
Supermarket Morrisons has confirmed it has cut sick pay for unvaccinated workers who are forced to isolate after being exposed to Covid.
It follows similar moves from big retailers including Ikea, Next and Ocado as staff absences rise. Unjabbed Morrisons workers who are told to isolate but test negative now get statutory sick pay of £96.35 a week. Covid-positive staff get full sick pay regardless of vaccination status. The firm pays staff at least £10 per hour.
Mayor calls for substance on levelling up as reports highlights North-South divide
Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham has urged the Government to give substance to its levelling up rhetoric as a new report highlighted the North-South divide. The Mayor’s call came in response to the IPPR North’s ‘State of the North’ report, which was published today. Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, said: “This report recognises that plans for levelling up the North still lack substance. It’s over two years since this Government was elected on a promise to rebalance the economy, but the North-South divide continues to widen.
“If the Government truly wants to rebalance the country, it should let go of some of its power and trust local and regional bodies to deliver for their communities. The Integrated Rail Plan was the latest example of the Government failing to deliver on its promises and ignoring local leaders.
“People in Greater Manchester deserve the same quality of infrastructure and services as people in the South. That’s why we continue to call on Minsters to back our plans for a London-style transport system with London-level fares.
“We want the North to become a more prosperous place for everyone living here, powering the transition net zero, with good employment available to all. We have the plans and ambitions to level up, but we need Government to back us with the powers and funding to reach our full potential.”
Contractor announced for Stockport Transport Interchange
Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) has awarded construction firm Willmott Dixon the contract to deliver a multi-million-pound transport interchange and rooftop park in Stockport town centre. The scheme, on the site of the former bus station which has now been demolished, is part of a major redevelopment scheme being undertaken by TfGM, Stockport Council, and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA). A build-to-rent residential scheme is also being developed on the site by CityHeart and Rise Homes with equity investment from Gresham House.
Coronavirus infections drop across all Greater Manchester’s ‘blackspot’ areas
Covid-19 infections have dropped in all of Greater Manchester’s ‘blackspot’ neighbourhoods as figures show the Omicron wave may have already peaked.
A total of 35,158 people tested positive for coronavirus across Greater Manchester in the week which ended on January 12. Stockport, which has the lowest infection rate in the region, recorded 2824 positive Covid-19 tests in the week ending January 13, which is 3789 fewer than the previous 7 days. The coronavirus infection rate in Stockport is now 959.9 cases per 100,000 people and is down by 57 per cent week-on-week.
In a bid to protect as many people as possible from COVID, vaccination experts have lowered the eligible age for a booster to 16, as long as it’s been 12 weeks since the second vaccination. It is also not too late for those who haven’t yet had their first or second vaccination to attend a vaccination clinic, although 12 weeks must have passed since the previous dose.
Coronavirus: how to stay safe and help prevent the spread
Find out how to stay safe and help prevent the spread of coronavirus.
‘Get tested and self-isolate if required’ updated to reflect new testing and isolation rules. Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Find out how to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading in your workplace.
NHS Test and Trace in the workplace
What to do if you or someone you employ is required to self-isolate. This includes being contacted by NHS Test and Trace, self-isolation rules and financial support.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) testing for adult social care settings
Outlines the COVID-19 testing available for testing staff, residents and visitors for all adult social care settings – added information about giving feedback about your test kit or reporting harm.
Finding and choosing a private coronavirus (COVID-19) test provider
Lists of and information about private test providers, to help you get the private COVID-19 tests you need – updated the general list of providers.
NHS Test and Trace: what to do if you are contacted
Updated to reflect changes to the self-isolation advice for people who have received a positive COVID-19 test result and information for contacts who are not required to self-isolate.
COVID-19 vaccination observation period
Information on the observation period following COVID-19 vaccination – added links to translated versions of leaflet.
COVID-19: estimated administrative vaccine uptake for people aged 18 and over
Daily percentage of the UK population aged 18 and over who have received a first dose, second dose, or third or booster dose to date.
Moving home during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Guidance for those working within the home buying and selling process and those moving home – updated rules on ending self isolation period.
DVLA Coronavirus (COVID-19) update
Find out the date of applications we are processing and how to access our online services.
Report reveals impact of efforts to tackle digital exclusion in Greater Manchester
A new report, published by GMCA and Virgin Media Business, has highlighted the positive effects of ongoing efforts and investment to tackle digital exclusion in Greater Manchester. The ‘Tackling digital inequality in Greater Manchester’ report highlighted the social value impact of Virgin Media Business’ investment after partnering with the city-region on the 2020 rollout of the UK’s largest Local Full Fibre Networks Programme (LFFN) across Greater Manchester. The programme, which supported the wider Digital Blueprint for the city-region, included commitments by Virgin to create apprenticeship positions locally to complete the work, as well as supporting digital and STEM skills initiatives more widely.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) 2021 qualifications fund for schools and colleges
How to submit a claim for eligible costs related to the qualifications fund for the period October 2021 to March 2022 – updated the VTQ and FSQ qualifications spreadsheet to the latest version.
COVID-19 vaccination: booster dose resources
Information on the booster dose for eligible individuals – added COVID-19 vaccination: a guide to booster vaccination for individuals aged 16 years and over and those aged 12 years and over who are at risk.
COVID-19 vaccination programme
Documents relating to the new coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination programme – added COVID-19 vaccination: resources for children aged 5 to 11 years.
Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, provisional: week ending 7 January 2022
Provisional counts of the number of deaths registered in England and Wales, in the latest weeks for which data are available.
COVID-19: migrant health guide
Advice and guidance for healthcare practitioners on the health needs of migrant patients.
COVID-19 vaccination: myocarditis and pericarditis information for healthcare professionals
Information for healthcare professionals on myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination – updated the ‘Why are serum samples being requested if myocarditis is suspected after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine?’ section.
Monitoring reports of the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination
Data on the real-world efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Coronavirus (COVID-19): courts and tribunals guidance
This page provides advice and guidance for all court and tribunal users during the COVID-19 pandemic and will be updated when new advice is available.
Preventing and controlling outbreaks of COVID-19 in prisons and places of detention
Information for prisons and other prescribed places of detention on coronavirus (COVID-19) – updated information on: ending self-isolation for prisoners/detainees and staff who test positive for COVID-19; testing information for staff and prisoners/detainees who are identified as a contact; return to work criteria for staff who test positive for COVID-19 or who are identified as a contact; visitors to prisons.
Producing hand sanitiser and gel for coronavirus (COVID-19)
Temporary changes to the use and supply of denatured alcohol and duty-free spirits, to help businesses who produce hand sanitiser and gel – From 1 April 2022, temporary measures to help businesses who produce hand sanitiser and gel will be changing.
House sales speed up despite conveyancing overload and buying frenzy
Agents finding it difficult to persuade potential vendors to come to the market this early in the year have new ammunition thanks to consumer group the HomeOwners Alliance. It says that data from the past seven years shows January remains one of the best months of the year to list a house for a speedy sale. The HOA’s estateagent4me database has shown properties listed in January take an average of 60 days to sell – over the past seven years the duration in January has fluctuated between 51 and 75 days. January 2021 was the fastest on record for the HOA, getting faster as the year went on. By December properties were selling in just 43 days. In 2021 sellers shaved two weeks off the average time to sell – making it 15 per cent faster to sell last year than in the last seven years
British chocolate brand continues to expand internationally
A “premium” British chocolatier today announces a trading update for the 13-week period (“Q2”) and the 26-week period (“H1”) ended 26 December 2021.
Hotel Chocolat’s revenue for Q2 increased 37 per cent compared to the prior year, and by 63 per cent compared to the equivalent period in FY20. In the UK, the strong brand position and multichannel model enabled growth of 38 per cent. New customer acquisition campaigns resulted in 38 per cent more active customers. In the USA, the digital-led strategy delivered growth of 128 per cent, with active customer database growth of 119 per cent.
Haulier advice site locations
Find sites where HGV and coach drivers can get free COVID-19 tests and check their documents to transport goods to the EU – the Holyhead haulier advice site remains temporarily closed.
GOV & BBC UK daily coronavirus data:
There have been more than 15 million confirmed cases of coronavirus in the UK and more than 150,000 people have died, government figures show. Over 52 million people have now received a first dose of the vaccine, 91% of people in the UK aged 12 and over. 83% have had their second and 63% have had a booster.
Total UK Cases: 15,305,410 positive tests
Latest UK daily figure: 84,429 new cases
Number in UK hospital: 19,345 (236 fewer than on previous day)
New deaths across UK: 85
Total UK deaths: 152,075
England Cases per 100,000: 942
R number in UK: 1.1 – 1.5
Vaccine data:
Total 1st doses given: 52,117,863 – 91% of UK aged 12+
Total 2nd doses: 83%
Daily 1st doses: 17,700
Daily 2nd doses: 37,116
Daily Booster doses: 61,096
The R value and growth rate
The latest reproduction number (R) and growth rate of coronavirus (COVID-19).
The R range for England is 1.1 to 1.5 the growth rate range for England is +1% to +5% per day as of 14 January 2022.
Latest Stockport coronavirus data:
Total Stockport cases: 77,250 to 17 January
Cases in the latest week: 2,824 (3,789 less compared with previous week)
Total deaths: 813 to December 31st (+2 on previous week)
Cases per 100,000: 960 per 100,000 (5 to 11 Jan)
Stockport vaccine data:
1st dose: 85% of over 12s to 12 January
2nd dose: 80%
3rd / booster dose: 63%
Covid-19 Webinars:
ACAS – run a series of courses to help businesses with transition from lockdown
Brexit Webinars:
Exporting: Actions you need to take now: An overview of the actions you need to take now before you export goods from Great Britain to the EU and move goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Key processes include – staged border controls, zero-rated VAT, customs declaration, using an intermediary as well as licences, certificates, and authorisations. Please register to take part if you’re planning to export.
Trader responsibilities when using an intermediary: You now need to complete import or export declarations to trade goods with the EU. These are complex and a lot of businesses choose to use an intermediary to do these for them. This webinar explains your responsibilities as a trader if you choose to use an intermediary. Please register to take part if you’re planning to import or export.
What are customs import declarations?: If you import goods, you now need to make customs import declarations on controlled goods and all goods by the end of June. This webinar will help you understand what they are in more detail. This includes what is needed for simplified declarations, supplementary declarations, how to make them, and delayed import declarations. Please register to take part if you’re planning to import.
Importing: Staged controls and how to prepare to use them: This webinar will walk you through the three stages of the new border controls introduced on 1?? ?January?? ?2021, and what actions you need to take for each stage. Please register to take part if you’re planning to import.
Home workers can claim £26 tax relief for job expenses
If you’ve asked your employees to work from home, and you’ve not reimbursed them already, your employees may be entitled to claim tax relief on additional household expenses they’ve incurred, such as heating and lighting.
New hotline launched to report COVID fraudsters
A new hotline has been launched to stop fraudsters illegally targeting COVID stimulus schemes.
If you would like to register your interest in creating one or more Kickstart Job, please complete the Kickstart Employer Enquiry Form and a member of the Council’s Kickstart Team will contact you to explain more.
Kickstart Scheme
The Kickstart Scheme provides funding to employers to create job placements for 16 to 24 year olds.
Kickstart Scheme terms and conditions
Kickstart Scheme terms and conditions for employers and gateways receiving the Kickstart Scheme grant from the Department for Work and Pensions.
Kickstart Scheme employer resources
If you’ve been offered Kickstart Scheme funding, you can use these resources to show your support for the scheme.
Kickstart Scheme employer contacts
List of regional contacts for employers applying for a grant through the Kickstart Scheme.
Apply for a Kickstart Scheme grant: 30 or more job placements
If you are an employer looking to create 30 or more jobs placements for young people, apply for funding as part of the Kickstart Scheme.
Apply for a Kickstart Scheme grant: 29 or less job placements
If you are an employer looking to create 29 or less jobs placements for young people, apply for funding as part of the Kickstart Scheme.
Visit the Stockport Council website to report details of any outbreaks online.
Opening times for Stockport Council Coronavirus Helpline
The helpline for vulnerable people across Stockport can now be accessed through new opening times by calling 0161 217 6046:
• Monday – Thursday from 9am to 5pm
• Friday from 9am to 4.30pm
• Saturdays from 10am to 1pm
At busy times, residents are automatically offered a call-back from one of our call handlers.
New tools and resources available from Acas:
Redundancy letter templates
Redundancy process map
Acas have also contributed to the development of a new return to work toolkit in partnership with SOM, CIPD, BITC and Mind.
Business Support in Stockport – a centre pool of information to support business owners in Stockport:
Government – Guidance on Returning to Work safely
Stockport Council’s FREE job matching website helps support employers with vacancies and individuals across the Stockport borough who are looking for work. The service, Stockport Jobs Match, will help to connect employers who have urgent temporary or permanent vacancies with applicants who are immediately available and in need of employment. The website also helps signpost individuals to available support services and information. www.stockport-jobsmatch.co.uk
Stockport Council – Health & Mental Well-being https://www.stockport.gov.uk/showcase/coronavirus
Government – Financial Support
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – online claims portal open
Government – Business Support:
Government launches new coronavirus business support finder tool
Government – Business Support Hub:
Government – IT safety support:
Government Warnings Over Coronavirus Scams – Here’s How to Protect Yourself
Government – Financial Support:
HMRC has published guidance on how it will work out income and profits for the self-employed or those in a partnership who have lost profits due to coronavirus.
Government – Business Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-employers-and-businesses-about-covid-19
Government – Financial Support: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-on-business-support-grant-funding
Government – Business Support:
Gov.uk: Maintaining Educational Provision: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision
Business Growth Hub:
www.businessgrowthhub.com/coronavirus https://www.businessgrowthhub.com/coronavirus/resources/2020/03/coronavirus-business-support-webinar-series
Employment – Useful information for the Self-Employed:
News and Guidance for the self-employed:
Concerned how Coronavirus might impact you and your business?
Please get in touch with Enterprising You and you will be connected to someone who can help.
You can also access information and guidance including the latest Government updates via www.businessgrowthhub.com/coronavirus
Can you claim back Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay in the Rebate Scheme
From Tuesday 26 May 2020, small and medium-sized employers, with fewer than 250 employees, will be able to apply to recover the costs of paying coronavirus-related Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) payments they have made to their employees.
Health updates:
Health – updates from NHS
Health – Dedicated helpline to support vulnerable residents in Stockport:
Support can be accessed by calling 0161 217 6046 Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and Saturdays from 10am to 4pm.
Health – Dedicated health & wellbeing services:
24/7 mental health helpline & safe haven for anyone over the age of 18 in Stockport (0800 138 7276).
Health – An Emotional Wellbeing Hub which provides information, advice, and guidance for anyone up to the age of 25 for emotional wellbeing and mental health concerns. 0161 217 6028 – 8.30am-5pm Mon – Thurs 8.30am-4.30pm on Friday.
Community – Guidance for businesses seeking to help voluntary, community, and social enterprise organisations during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak
How businesses can offer services, funds and volunteers to civil society during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Find out more information here.