If you’ve got a great idea on how to make your neighbourhood even better, applications to Stockport Local Fund can be submitted until midnight on Sunday 30th June 2019.
The online application process is quick and easy – you can even submit it on your mobile phone!
Councillor Amanda Peers, Cabinet Member for Inclusive Neighbourhoods said:
“Stockport has caring communities where many people have great ideas that could benefit their local neighbourhood. Ideas to help reduce loneliness, make people feel safer, improve health and wellbeing, or bring different people together. It’s these kinds of ideas and activities that we would like to invest in to help make our neighbourhoods even better places to live in.”
Anyone can apply to the fund – individuals, friends, groups or organisations – for up to £10,000 per project, as long as your idea meets our requirements and priorities. If you’ve never done anything like this before get in touch through our web-pages and we can connect you with people to support you.
Councillor Peers adds:
“Why not ask for help from others in your neighbourhood to develop your idea? You’ll find a lot of people with experience of community events and activities in your area who will be willing to help. Tell people about your idea and ask for their suggestions and support. A little joint effort and time might be all that’s needed to make your idea ready to apply to the fund.”
Look at the council web-pages to find out what type of projects we’re looking for and how the process works: stockport.gov.uk/slf.
You’ll also find out how to get in touch and there’s plenty of inspiration from wonderful local projects that are already happening across Stockport. And don’t forget to make the most of our Stockport Local online directory to connect you with other local groups and services in your community: stockport.gov.uk/stockportlocal.
How could you make your mark in Stockport?
If you’re not quite ready to apply at this point, there will be more opportunities to apply for funding in the future. Sign up for email updates on our web-pages so you don’t miss future application dates: https://www.stockport.gov.uk/slf.
Image caption: Apply for Stockport Local Fund by Sunday