The organisers of the Stockport Business awards, Clarke Nicklin, are still on the lookout for raffle prizes!
Stockport Business Awards raffle prizes are still needed by the team at Clarke Nicklin who are grateful for all who have already donated – but they still need more!
To raise as much as possible for the awards chosen charity for 2016 – Francis House – they need a few more prizes for the table raffles. Last year donations included iPads, hampers, restaurant and store vouchers, champagne, pampering sessions, sportswear…the list goes on.
Francis House is a very special hospice caring for children with a short life expectancy. They go there having been diagnosed as having ‘no cure’ so Francis House try to improve the quality of their short lives. By supporting the child, and the family as a whole, both emotionally and physically in the many months before, and after, a child’s death.
It’s free of charge to all who stay, and is a much loved and valued place.
If you are able to donate a prize please contact Julie Tunstall – 0161 495 4700 or email Julie@clarkenicklin.co.uk<mailto:Julie@clarkenicklin.co.uk>
The Stockport Business Awards takes place on Thursday 13th October in the ballroom at Stockport Town Hall.
As always, all who donate get a mention in the awards programme.