Rowlinson Knitwear Limited (Rowlinson) has signed a Climate Emergency Declaration, committing the business to take immediate action to avert the Climate Emergency. The employee-owned schoolwear manufacturer also closed for business on 20 September 2019, which was Global Climate Strike day. Instead, it chose to host a Climate Crisis Day to deepen employee engagement with the Climate Emergency through presentations and interactive workshops, confirming the company’s mission to become a force for good.
Building on its longstanding ethical commitment, Rowlinson will become carbon neutral and achieve The Planet Mark certification by the end of 2019, and become a Certified B Corporation by the end of 2020. The Planet Mark’s sustainability certification requires holders to measure and reduce their annual carbon emissions associated with business operations. Certified B Corporations balance purpose and profit, meeting a legal requirement to consider their environmental and social impact.
Rowlinson’s Managing Director, Donald Moore, says, “Scientists around the world agree that we face an unprecedented Climate Emergency which requires radical action. As a responsible employee-owned business, it’s our duty to act immediately. Rowlinson’s Climate Crisis Day equipped colleagues with the stark facts about our negative impact on the planet. Collectively signing our Climate Emergency Declaration demonstrates we accept those realities and are committed to do something about them.”
Moore concludes, “Becoming carbon neutral and achieving recognised certifications is just a part of our ongoing journey. Our Climate Crisis Day was a clear call to arms, inspiring our people to learn, share and take action to safeguard the planet for future generations. We’re unrelenting in our ambition to demonstrate leadership in ethical conduct in our industry and the wider business community. It’s the right thing to do, so we can play our part in shaping a more caring and environmentally conscious economy. “