While businesses are doing all that they can to keep their employees safe and prevent transmission of infection, one in three people who get coronavirus don’t show any symptoms but can still infect others; this has the potential to present a problem for businesses.
To help combat any potential outbreaks, business owners can now access regular coronavirus testing for all their staff that will identify cases more quickly and reduce the chance of a COVID-19 outbreak in your workplace. Regular testing doesn’t enable you to relax any of your existing COVID precautions, but it’s an additional measure that will help you to keep your staff safe and aid business continuity.
Regular testing uses rapid lateral flow tests that take about 5 minutes to complete and gives a result in 30 minutes. These tests are only suitable for people who don’t have coronavirus symptoms.
In Stockport, twice-weekly coronavirus tests are being offered to people who work or volunteer outside their home. These asymptomatic tests won’t find every case of coronavirus, so if people test negative, they’ll still need to follow the lockdown rules, maintain social distancing, wash their hands regularly and wear a face covering.
There are three ways your business can access testing, you choose whichever is most convenient:
- By setting up your own coronavirus testing site within your premises.
This is most suitable for medium and large-sized businesses (typically 20+ employees). Email testing@stockport.gov.uk if you’re interested in speaking to us about this option including how many employees you have and the sector you work in. If you have 50+ employees, we’re still very happy to support you, but you can also access tests via https://www.gov.uk/get-workplace-coronavirus-tests. This option means more work for you but is the most convenient option for your employees and gives you more control over the process. - By attending for testing at Stockport Council’s test site.
This is at Fred Perry House, Edward Street, Stockport, SK1 3UR. We’re open 7am to 6pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 2pm on Saturday. Booking is essential – please direct staff to visit www.stockport.gov.uk/coronavirus-test to book each visit. Car parking for testing visitors is free – please use the underground car park off Lacy Street. - By attending our mobile testing unit.
We’re aiming to set up a mobile testing unit that could visit industrial estates and business parks twice a week to offer testing to businesses in the vicinity. This service is still in development, but please let us know if you’re interested by emailing us at testing@stockport.gov.uk
If you’d like to discuss how these options could work for your business in more detail, please email testing@stockport.gov.uk. You’re also very welcome to book a test for yourself at Fred Perry House using the link above, to see lateral flow tests in action.