Stockport Council is due to decide this week on a planning application to convert a former bakery in Cheadle Hulme into apartments.
Dating back to around 1900, the site on Mellor Road in Cheadle Hulme includes a bakers’ shop with residential property above, as well as single-storey outbuildings to the rear used by the former bakery. The proposed conversion will retain the original shop building, and construct a new adjacent property, demolishing the outbuildings, and resulting in a block of nine apartments.
A previous proposal for the 400 square metre site suggested demolishing the structure entirely to construct a new building in its place. Since then, the building has been classified as locally listed, although is not within a dedicated conservation area.
The proposals detail that the development will retain the features of the existing building, while ensuring the new building matches, through use of the same brickwork and detailing. The planning statement submitted also describes the apartments as offering a large amount of space, as well as secure gated access to the property and outdoor spaces.

The existing bakery building is proposed to house two two-bedroom apartments. The new building will contain six one-bedroom apartments, with a two-bedroom penthouse with roof terrace on the third storey.
The Mellor Road site will add housing close to Cheadle Hulme village centre and train station and may suit young professionals who will be able commute into Stockport and Manchester by train. A three-storey apartment block already exists across the road from the proposed development.
Seymour Planning Ltd prepared the planning application for the former bakery in Cheadle Hulme on behalf of the developers, Mellor Road Ltd. Designs for the building have been prepared by Cartwright and Gross Architects.
Stockport Council’s planning committee will meet on the 21st November, but approval of the planning application has been recommended.