Business events for November.
Stockport Breakfast Club
Time: 7.15am – 9.00am
Place: Alma Lodge Hotel, Stockport SK2 6EL
Stockport Breakfast Club’s November speaker is Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce’s Stockport President and Partner at Gorvins Solicitors – Christian Mancier.
Christian will be talking about PEEBS (People, Education, Employers Brokerage service) an exciting and groundbreaking new initiative in Stockport aimed at encouraging businesses in Stockport to engage with the education sector. If you are a business that has struggled to engage with the education sector or think that education engagement either involves offering work experience or taking on an apprentice then this could be for you as there are a multitude of other ways to get involved.
Christian will share his journey through the various education engagement projects he has been involved with, how PEEBS was conceived and what PEEBS hopes to achieve.
As usual there will be lots of opportunity to network.
Don’t miss this opportunity to spread the word about your business – Book now with the Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce.
Business Builder Forum – The 7 P’s of Marketing
The 7p’s that matter most to your business….. and matter most to your customers.
Date: Tuesday 27th November 2012
Time: 7:45am – 10am
Venue: Hallidays LLP, Kings Reach Business Park, Yew Street, Stockport, SK4 2HD
Please contact hallidays below to book your place.
Hallidays hold bi-monthly business development meetings which are free for first time attendees – please email for more information or contact Jane Bennet on 0161 476 8276.