The Coronavirus helpline for vulnerable people across Stockport will this week be changing to new opening times to reflect its current demand.
It comes as the Council has helped thousands of the most vulnerable people in the Borough who have been offered support and advice over the last few months due to the impact of Covid-19.
The helpline is set up for those residents who do not have a network of family and friends they can call upon, particularly for people who:
- Are over the age of 70 and are self-isolating
- Have received a letter from the NHS advising you are high risk and should stay at home
- Are medically vulnerable according to the government criteria and should remain at home
- Are experiencing food poverty or financial hardship
- Are self-isolating due to illness
A wide range of support due to the impact of Covid-19 has been given, including help with access to food, shopping and medication, help with finances, and support available for those experiencing loneliness.
Stockport’s coronavirus helpline can now be accessed through new opening times by calling 0161 217 6046:
- Monday – Thursday from 9am to 5pm
- Friday from 9am to 4.30pm
- Saturdays from 10am to 1pm
At busy times, residents are automatically offered a call-back from one of our call handlers.
Cllr Kate Butler, Stockport Council’s Cabinet Member for Citizen Focus and Engagement, said:
This helpline was always about giving our most vulnerable people a direct line into the Council to get the support they need in this time of crisis. I’m pleased that our residents have been able to access support since it launched. It’s a testament to the hard work of council staff to continue to provide essential services and to ensure our most vulnerable people are supported during the Coronavirus pandemic.
“To ensure our most vulnerable people have access to this service, please only call the helpline if you do not have friends or family who can support you.
“I want to thank all the community in Stockport for everything they are doing to help others at this challenging time.”