Two local college groups have merged to become the biggest education provider in the Stockport area. The Cheadle and Marple College Network merged with The Trafford College Group on Tuesday May 4th to provide over 12,000 students with the confidence and reassurance that their education is being delivered and supported by a large college group.
The Trafford College Group now consists of The Cheadle College, Marple Sixth Form College, Stockport College and Trafford College. The Group structure and ethos of “One College, Local Difference” ensures that each college retains its local identity in order to meet the needs of its specific community.
James Scott, Principal and Chief Executive of The Trafford College Group, said, ‘The merger means that we are even more well placed to deliver on our strategic priorities, respond to the opportunities in the recent Skills White Paper and contribute as a key stakeholder to the Stockport and Trafford Borough plans, fulfilling our aim of becoming an anchor institution for our local communities as well as the sub-region.
‘As we prepare for the end of this academic year, we have ensured that existing students will experience no change to their provision and support. We are also looking forward to the future where we will be providing technical, academic and Higher Education, as well as Apprenticeships and employer training contributing to the social and economic prosperity of the region.’