A Lancet study this week found that exercise and activity at work for at least an hour a day can combat the ‘deadly risk of modern working lifestyles’.
Scientists said sedentary lifestyles were now posing as great a threat to public health as smoking, and were causing more deaths than obesity.
Michelle Childs, actilife manager at Life Leisure, said: ‘Tackling inactivity amongst office workers in Stockport is a priority for us and something we have been supporting for over two years.
“Stockport employers have really started to take responsibility for employee wellbeing with more and more companies looking to invest in the health and wellbeing of their employees, even though it can be difficult to fit exercise around busy work schedules.
“We understand the benefits that a healthy workforce brings to the local economy and are passionate about getting Stockport’s workforce more active, especially throughout their working day.
“We are working with many local employers, including Stockport Council, Stepping Hill NHS Foundation Trust, CDL, Orbit Developments, and Midshire, providing pioneering solutions to increase daily activity and reducing sedentary behaviour through programmes such as ‘actilife’ where employees can track their daily activity levels.
“In addition, we have been taking exercise to employees in their working environment by delivering exercise classes and programmes on company premises including lunchtime walks, classes such as yoga and zumba.”
Michelle Hay, who runs Michelle Hay Training, describes office illness as ‘slow accidents’ waiting to happen.
She said: “The recommended daily steps is 10,000 per day.
“If you are office based, that can be difficult to achieve, especially if you eat your lunch at your desk.
“Employers must encourage their teams to get moving more often. And the best way to find out how to do this as a company is to ask the employees.
“Employees who provide workplace activities, reap the rewards by having active, healthy and motivated staff who feel cared for.”