Stockport based Hallidays are setting a great example as the UK lags behind Europe on the workplace gender pay gap.
Recent press commented on the ’Gender pay gap 5% for millennials’.
According to Alan Jones from Metro, “The gender pay gap for women in their 20’s has halved to five per cent. But much of the progress will be undone in later life. Young women starting in the world of work will still earn ‘significantly’ less than their male counterparts over the span of their careers, according to the Resolution Foundation think tank.”
The Financial Times ‘Women at the Top’ profile comments that women are under-represented at senior executive level in UK companies. However, at Hallidays 50% of the directors are women, and over 50% of the entire team is female.
Research shows that more diverse companies often perform better. As a result, change is coming to business leadership – but too slowly, and even among those companies getting it right momentum can prove hard to maintain.
The CIPD’s article of 16th May 2016 talks about how the UK lags behind EU neighbours on the workplace gender pay gap. And according to a recent survey, the UK is ranking in eleventh place – behind the Nordics, France and Spain.
The study found women to be widely under-represented at board level. Norway has the highest proportion of women on boards (36 per cent), owing partly to a legislation-based quota system introduced in 2006. In France, Finland and Sweden around 30 per cent of board members are women. In Denmark, the UK, Italy and Germany, it is around 26 per cent, while in Estonia the proportion is only 8 per cent.
At Hallidays one of the female partners, Valerie Wain, heads up a team within Hallidays, and is FD of Hallidays Group Limited and Hallidays Financial Services Limited. Lyndsey Hayes heads up Hallidays IT team and Nichola Coles and Anna Bennett provide their respective expertise on Credit Unions and Academies at board level.
Hallidays believe that their approach to the gender pay gap and the gender mix helps the teams internally due to different approaches and styles, and can see the same benefits when working with their clients, prospects and introducers. However, Hallidays actually take on team members for their overall ‘attitude’ and use DISC profiling to assist in selecting the right mix of people.
Nigel Bennett, managing partner, said: “The more aligned we are with our clients the better we can help them achieve their personal and business objectives. If our clients achieve their goals we achieve ours. Our clients really appreciate the Lifecycle review we take and recent client happiness surveys reflect this with a 97% score.”
Hallidays can help with communication within teams, insights into team leadership and how to get better results. The company also host Business AM seminars. The next -‘Develop your competitive strategy’ – is due to take place on Tuesday 31st January.