Stockport based Hallidays’ latest Business AM event – BAM – looks at how to grow your business through marketing and how you can make your marketing matter.
Stuart Bradley, managing director of Trust, presented Hallidays most recent marketing seminar.
Whatever your business and whatever product of service you are selling, it is essential to have a unique voice in your marketing. There are 4 key areas to consider in your marketing: Reputation | Values | Messaging | Audience
We’re going to focus on Values in this blog. Values are about what you stand for. What does your business believe in? What is your culture?
“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek – ‘Start with Why’
Articulating and living your values is the start of building your marketing. If you’re a start-up or small business this should be quite easy to capture. If you are a larger business or have grown quickly the values you started with may have been lost or blurred.
Take action
A great way to get started is to involve your team with identifying the values of your business or organisation. If your team are involved in creating or assessing the set of values of your business they will be more engaged with them.
Ultimately, the values of your business must be succinct and easy for everyone in your team to remember and use in all aspects of the business, including throughout your marketing so your message is clear to understand both internally and externally. It comes from the top – you should eat, live and breathe the values. Lead by example with your communications, verbal, written and body language.
Attendees gave this seminar a value rating of 94%.
Hallidays next Business AM focuses on ‘Systems for Growth’. Did you know the majority of UK businesses are difficult to sell because they are too dependent on their owner? Learn how to optimise the value of your business and make it easier and more enjoyable to manage with systems in place.
Find out more about Hallidays Business AM programme, giving you the tools to grow yourself and your business