The Equity Foundation, part of Equity Housing Group, have launched a new round of their Health and Wellbeing funding programme which offers grants of up to £15,000.
Equity Housing Group are a social landlord based in Cheadle Hulme.
The Equity Foundation funds projects which help to improve life expectancy and reduce health inequalities in Stockport.

Equity Foundation supporting local communities.
The Foundation works in two ways: by supporting businesses to invest in grassroots projects they otherwise wouldn’t be able to reach and by providing investment into community projects and organisations through their grants programmes.
Equity recognise that communities have the ideas, passion and resources to make society a better place and provide support to communities to make these changes happen.
The new round of our Health and Wellbeing funding programme offers grants of up to £15,000 is inviting applications which meet at least one of their priorities.
To be eligible for funding your project must address one of the following:
· Projects to promote mental wellness, particularly for older children and young adults – anxiety is the major long term condition affecting young adults in Stockport (more than 2,700 cases aged 15-24) we’re looking for projects which help to address this issue
· Projects which help to connect people and communities – we’re looking for projects which support people to come together and help each other whether by tackling social isolation, linking people into, creating health and wellbeing focussed community spaces or supporting collaboration online
· Projects which support carers or people with caring responsibilities – there are an estimated 32,000 unpaid carers in Stockport, we’re looking for projects which can provide support to carers to ensure that they remain well.
To apply you could be a community group, voluntary association, social enterprise or registered charity but you must be formally constituted and have a named bank account. Full details of the fund, including guidelines and application forms, are available on the Equity Foundation website
The application window is open for 4 weeks, applications must be received by 5pm on Friday 29th September in order to be considered.