With technological advancements in Cloud computing, organisations have the ability to work from anywhere – remote working.
More and more people are moving their businesses to the Cloud, which can hold critical data and applications securely, to avoid the stressful 9am-5pm working habits. There are many advantages, which are associated with remote working, and can benefit your business greatly.
Employee satisfaction is increased
With very little commuting and an option to choose your own workplace, workers feel permitted to work at their own pace and in their own time. Certain Cloud solutions, such as Office 365, enable workers to access their emails anytime and anywhere, leading to an increase in employee fulfilment and contentment.
Productivity is increased
Happy employees mean better quality of work is produced. With the pressure of commuting eliminated, workers feel more engaged, energised and empowered to produce a finer quality of work, as they can take care of themselves if they are ill – also reducing sick days – and take relevant breaks to complete tasks efficiently.
Costs are reduced
These days, Cloud computing and remote working can reduce many costs. With everything in the Cloud, costs are cut down on expensive hardware and you can opt for a more subscription-based route that is lighter on your cash flow. Furthermore, with less people in the office, overheads on property and rent are low so you can allocate these particular funds to other areas of your business. Also, consider the travel costs that are lessened because your staff will not be coming into the office.
It is more eco-friendly
Moving to the Cloud and allowing your staff to work remotely saves, not only your money, but the planet too. Less traffic means less greenhouse gases from people travelling to and from work. This also eradicates energy used by various pieces of hardware, which stores data onsite, as you would not need many computers in the office for limited people. Also, instead of purchasing multiple copies of software, choosing
Cloud-based services will reduce the need for heavy resources on your computers.
Remote working is rapidly becoming a preferred choice for employers, with up-to-date technology and the latest developments in Cloud computing.
Story provided by Comms Byte – Stockport