The GREATER MANCHESTER BROADBAND Public Consultation is drawing to a close but businesses in Stockport stil have a few days to contribute and lobby to bring high speed access to the area.
The closing date for all responses to the consultation document and surveys is Thursday 1 August 2013;
at a meeting held earlier today in Stockport, John Steward of New Economy presented ideas to introduce WiFi and improved access to Broadband in Stockport.
£10m funding has been granted to the Greater Manchester Broadband Investment programme and businesses are being urged to lobby for funding to be allocated to areas of Stockport to improve connectivity and speed over the Internet.
Transport for Greater Manchester is responsible for the delivery of the project in conjunction with the borough councils; it is seen as a priority and an essential utility to help growth; funds are more likely to be aloocated where evidence of demand is greater. Priority areas in Stockport are identified as the Town centre/Portwood/M60 gateway; key business parks and centres throughout the borough.
Stockport based businesses need to register their interest to ensure that Stockport is recognised as a location with great demand.
Relevant documents can be accessed here –
The public consultation is designed to ensure a full understanding of the geographic areas that have gaps in broadband infrastructure and are eligible for public investment in accordance with European State aid legislation.
Responses are invited from broadband suppliers, as well as from businesses and residents, to comment on the proposed intervention areas.
Download the public consultation document which includes instructions to broadband suppliers and others on how to respond.
Comment on the availability of broadband in your area, and view the broadband maps.
In addition, businesses and residents are encouraged to complete our broadband surveys:
Broadband survey for your business
Broadband survey for your home
The closing date for all responses to the consultation document and surveys is Thursday 1 August 2013.
This consultation is hosted on the website of Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM). TfGM is responsible for managing the delivery of Greater Manchester’s broadband programme on behalf of the Association of Greater Manchester Authorities (AGMA).